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Icon July 19, 2024

Combating Deepfake Audio: Partnership Versus ValidSoft’s Independent Approach

Deepfake Audio Detection
Independent Approach
Patnership Approach
Voice Verity

5 minutes min read

Artificial intelligence has exponentially advanced, and deepfake technology has emerged as a significant threat, capable of generating convincingly realistic audio and video imitations. These developments pose myriad risks, from personal security breaches to widespread misinformation campaigns. In response to these challenges, Reality Defender has announced its partnership with ElevenLabs to combat deepfake audio.

However, the efficacy of this approach is under scrutiny due to its inherent dependency on specific providers of deepfake technology. Specifically, if watermarking is a primary means of identification, then this not a viable strategy, since watermarks can be removed or added by bad actors. Or they will simply use a deepfake audio generator that doesn’t use watermarking (of which there are many), or they will create their own deepfake audio generator, potentially even offering it as a service to other bad actors.

In contrast, ValidSoft’s patented Voice Verity™ solution, by virtue of its advanced proprietary AI algorithms, offers a more robust, independent, and comprehensive method for detecting deepfake audio, without relying on watermarking, thereby providing a reliable safeguard against this technological menace, irrespective of its source.

The Challenge of Deepfake Audio Detection

Deepfake audio involves the use of advanced algorithms to mimic the speech patterns, tone, and idiolect of individuals. This sophisticated manipulation can deceive listeners, making it an effective tool for malicious purposes. Detecting such high-quality forgeries necessitates a system that is not only highly accurate but also versatile enough to function across various languages, dialects, and idiolects.

Reality Defender and ElevenLabs’ Partnership

Reality Defender’s collaboration with ElevenLabs represents a strategic effort to mitigate the threat of deepfake audio. ElevenLabs, known for its advanced text-to-speech technology, brings a wealth of expertise in generating realistic audio. By leveraging this expertise, Reality Defender aims to enhance its detection capabilities.

However, this approach has a critical limitation: its reliance on ElevenLabs’ technology. This dependency creates a potential blind spot, as the solution may be tailored to recognize only those deepfakes generated by ElevenLabs’ systems. Consequently, audio deepfakes produced by other methods or tools, of which there are many, might slip through undetected. For a truly effective defense, a more agnostic approach is essential, one that can universally identify deepfakes regardless of their origin, with speed, accuracy and precision.

ValidSoft’s Voice Verity: an Independent Solution

Enter ValidSoft’s Voice Verity™, a deepfake detection solution designed to overcome the limitations of provider-dependent approaches. Voice Verity™ employs a multi-faceted AI-driven system capable of analyzing and authenticating audio from any source. This technology does not rely on any specific deepfake generation tools, making it a truly agnostic solution.

Key Features of Voice Verity

  1. Language, Dialect and Idiolect Agnostic: Voice Verity™ is engineered to detect deepfakes across multiple languages, dialects and idiolect. Its sophisticated algorithms are trained on a diverse dataset, enabling it to identify subtle nuances in speech patterns that are characteristic of deepfakes,.  Every individual has a unique way of speaking, with specific word choices, pronunciations, and speech rhythms. Voice Verity™ as an AI model is adept at capturing the unique identifiers of generative deepfake audio, regardless of the linguistic background.
  2. Real-Time Detection: In the fast-paced digital world, the ability to detect deepfake audio in real-time, from any source, in any language, is crucial. Voice Verity™ offers real-time analysis to ensure that deepfake attempts are flagged immediately, allowing for swift action to mitigate any potential harm. Voice Verity™ is equally adept at processing individual audio files, or indeed batches of audio files.
  3. Comprehensive Analysis: The solution’s agnostic nature means it is not constrained by the specifics of any one deepfake creation tool. It employs a broad spectrum of detection techniques, including spectral analysis, AI, ML, and deep neural networks, to ensure a high detection accuracy rate.
  4. No Enrolment Necessary and 100% Privacy Compliant: Voice Verity™ has no requirement for user enrolment, it does not need to know who the user is in order to make its determination. There is no need to store any personally identifiable information (PII) and Voice Verity™ is 100% privacy compliant with all major data privacy legislation including GDPR, CCPA, BIPA, etc.
  5. Comprehensive Detection Across a Range of Audio Attack Vectors: Generative AI deepfake audio is only one of a number of attack vectors that Voice Verity™ detects and prevents. Whilst competitive solutions attempt to answer the question “is this a human voice or deepfake”, Voice Verity™ goes far beyond just this type of attack, Voice Verity™ detects Recorded Voice, Replay Attacks, RoboCalls as well as all known forms of generative AI deepfake audio.
  6. Comprehensive Suite of ID Verification: Voice Verity™ is the first critical line of defence against speech attacks. Once we know that a voice is human, the very next critical check is to verify the authenticity of the caller, ie is it the voice authentic, ie, is it the voice of the genuine user? ValidSoft’s suite of Trusted Identity Assurance provides an integrated capability to answer the three critical tests: 1. Is it a human voice; 2. Is it the genuine user 3. Is it the voice of the authorized agent answering the call (in the context of the contact center).

Why Independence Matters

The primary advantage of an agnostic detection system like Voice Verity™ lies in its universal applicability. Unlike solutions tied to specific providers, Voice Verity™ is independent and ensures it can adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of deepfake technology. This adaptability is crucial for staying ahead of malicious actors who are continually developing new methods to bypass detection.

While the partnership between Reality Defender and ElevenLabs signifies a commendable effort to tackle the deepfake audio problem, it underscores the need for a more comprehensive, independent solution. ValidSoft’s patented solution, Voice Verity™, stands out as a superior alternative, offering a reliable, real-time, and versatile approach to deepfake detection. By adopting an agnostic methodology, Voice Verity™ ensures robust protection against the diverse and growing threats posed by deepfake audio, making it an essential tool in the fight for digital authenticity, today!